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FREE aRoXa CALM Reiki + Yoga Thursdays on ZOOM

  • aRoXa CALM Ventura, CA USA (map)

Hello Again Soul/ Sol Fam Fam~

What is not to LOVE about FREE Reiki + Yoga every Thursday from 9-10am via Zoom!?!

Happy. Healthy. Whole. (and every season absolutely) Free. Yep. Uh huh.

Please signal your interest by class day in SCHEDULE tab.

You will be prompted to log in so we can stay in touch and you can learn about all of the other goodness aRoXa CALM has to offer.

ZOOM links are made available to you about an hour prior to class via email. Newbies are pre-screened via for zoom safety, security, etc.

I LOVE being able to provide this resource to our community at no cost and low cost on Tuesday mornings at Aum Vibe. Lucky, fortunate very blessed us, right!

Feed your Spirit + fill your Soul! What are you waiting for?