
Reiki is a Japanese healing modality for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes well-being. This non-denominational spiritual practice was brought to the public by Dr. Usui Mikao, which is why it is referred to as Usui Reiki.

Reiki is administered by ‘laying on hands’ and is based on the idea that an unseen ‘life force energy’ flows through us and is what causes us to have life force, energy, or chi. If one's ‘energy’ is low, then we are more likely to feel imbalanced, experience sickness, anxiety, or stress. If our ‘energy’ is high, we are more capable of being happy, healthy, whole, and free. 

The International Centre for Reiki Training (ICRT) identifies Reiki as:

“a healing technique, using gentle touch with the hands placed on or slightly away from the body to optimize physical, mental and emotional health, based on the assumption that the flow of energy through the body can be supported and adjusted to promote wellness.”

Usui Reiki is a research-based, safe, and complementary alterNative medicine (CALM) in that it works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects, support immunity, and promote recovery.

You are invited to learn more about Reiki, aRoXa Reiki, + Usui/ Holy Fire® Reiki in ‘Reiki Revealed’ the complementary E-book by Dr. Lorri.

aRoXa Reiki

“The medicine I love, and that of my own experiences growing up with Native American healers was about connection, about touch, sharing a close space and helping to heal.” ——Michelle Tom, MD, Dine (Navajo)

You can experience aRoXa Reiki with Dr. Lorri in 4 different ways:

  • Treatment sessions (in person to book a session)

  • FREE Reiki + Yoga via Zoom (Th 9:00 AM PST; or aRoXa Yoga at Aum Vibe Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:15pm

  • Reiki Guided Meditation (New + Full Moons)

  • Usui/ Holy Fire®III ~ aRoXa Reiki RI, RII, RIII or Reiki Master Certification (offered TBA, contact Dr. Lorri for dates)

~ aRoXa Reiki is Comprised of ~

  • Essential Personal Source Connection (e.g., God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Divine Light)

  • Miraculous Power of Unconditional Love

  • Ancestral Connection

  • Indigeneity

  • The Power of Science

Come and experience aRoXa Reiki with Dr. Lorri and see how this beautiful practice and approach to living will evolve and change your life!

Learn more about aRoXa Reiki in the E-book ‘Reiki Revealed’.

What is Holy Fire® Reiki?

Holy Fire® Reiki is a newer Reiki energy that was introduced in 2014 by William Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). It is powerful and gentle providing deep purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It is included as part of every Reiki modality practiced by Dr. Lorri. She has been has been trained and Certificated in the first, second, and third degrees as well as Reiki Master + Reiki Master Teacher.

Explore Holy Fire® Reiki in Dr. Lorri’s E-book ‘Reiki Revealed’.

Are you a New Client?

If you are a new client, please print and fill out the Intake Form below. If there is a minor involved, a consent form is also needed. Please e-mail forms to prior to scheduling your appointment.