Learning to just be.

Connected. Protected. Accepted. Reflective. Healed.

Pop-Up Guided Meditation Practice

​FREE ZOOM Pop-Up Meds

Selected Fridays at 5:00PM  (Sign up on Dr. Lorri’s mailing list for invites)

​What a fantastic way to end the week! Connect and tune out. If you receive a pop-up text, all you have to do is show up. At times during the year, Dr. Lorri will guide you weekly through a different meditation based on the week’s theme pranayama (breath work) and different focussing patterns (e.g., Yoga Nidra, Lovingkindness Metta meditations, Mantras, etc.) will be supported through guided meditation toward independent practice.

Benefits: Better sleep, improved concentration, stress relief, calming effect, sense of peace and well-being.

SOUL Mentoring I, II, III

(4) 90-minute sessions each

Believing + Accepting + Surrendering

Over the last three years, these programs of guided study have been the most popular offerings outside of Reiki and Reiki + Yoga for aRoXa CALM clientele. The series is designed for for spiritual seekers who wish to learn more about concepts like grounding, spiritual protection, the Chakra system, energy healing, Universal spiritual laws, cord cutting, connecting to clients’ ancestral lineages, individual healing journeys, auras, the use of crystals, full and new moon influences, etc. Curricula are tailor-made and created for each individual based one where on the learning continuum they are, and what it is they would like to learn.

Benefits: Clarity, increased connection to God/ Source and Divine nature within, better understanding of self and others, ability to harness energy and use to serve the highest and greatest good.

NEW for 2021!

New + Full Moon Holy Fire® Guided Meditation Events

See Events for upcoming dates.

Deepen Your Practice with Divine Feminine Rituals

You are invited to join Dr. Lorri via ZOOM at her home for 45 minutes every New + Full Moon of 2021 as she continues to build aRoXa community in supportive reflection following the New (Setting intentions) and Full Moons (Celebrating intentions manifested), learning how to harness Divine feminine energy while helping each one of us to reflect on our lives, dreams, goals, and relationships toward self-discovery and the living of best lives yet!

These special sometimes bilingual sessions are offered in the spirit of bringing us closer to our ancestral roots and the Chumash land on which Dr. Lorri practices.

See EVENTS for more details and Register on the SCHEDULE tab.

Interested in aRoXa CALM Meditation offerings?

Please inquire below for more information, rates, and scheduling.