Usui/ Holy Fire® + aRoXa Reiki Certification


are you called to reiki?

Reiki is an invitation to wellness as both a practice and high vibrational positive ‘way of being’ in this world. As such, learning to practice Reiki is an invitation to health.

This spiritual healing practice helps return practitioners and recipients to balanced functioning on every level imaginable (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social) and meets every person right where they are.

Dr. Lorri Many Rivers has Attuned, Placed, or Ignited upwards of 28 Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki III practitioners from Washington State to the Los Angeles Metro area to Waterloo-Kitchner, Canada, and in Guatemala.

All aRoXa CALM Graduates are eligible for International Center for Reiki (ICRT) Affiliation

All aRoXa CALM Graduates are eligible for International Center for Reiki (ICRT) Affiliation

Usui/ Holy Fire® + aROXa Reiki Certification for those attuned with this Reiki Master Teacher manifests as enjoyed frequent support, engagement, and internship opportunities as well as access to learning complementary healing modalities from her study and experience with Indigenous healing methods.

Graduates are now working as Reiki practitioners in such places as the Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto, CA, the Mixteco Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) in Oxnard, CA, and in private start up health and healing endeavours in Los Angeles, Asuza, Mexico, Canada, and Santa Paula, CA.

Contact Dr. Lorri directly at for the next Reiki certification offering.