
Reiki with the Wisdom Sisters :

Lorri Many Rivers Santamaria + Kim García

Experience The Power of III, that is the two of us + you, in a unique and powerful Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki using a technique we developed together for clients in Bali Indonesia. If you find that Reiki is a modality that resonates with you toward creating optimal health, clearing, subtle energy alignment, and well-being then we invite you try receiving it with us. After Covid-19 restrictions are lifted Kim will be in a Ventura for sessions with me, once a month. When the time comes I will encourage you to sign up quick if you are keen to experience the Power of III.


About Kim 

Kim has studied holistic nutrition, essential oil therapy, yoga, meditation, depression, world religion, cultural anthropology and most recently, Reiki. She is most passionate about inspiring women, men and children to live fully integrated, purposeful and fulfilling lives through their own inner strength from our highest source.

NEW for 2021! Spanish and Mixtec speaking aRoXa CALM Usui/ Holy Fire®III Reiki Masters and Registered Nurses who have studied with Dr. Lorri, are available to provide Distance Reiki, Indigenous healing modalities, plant therapies, including bespoke oil infusions to serve an even larger community. Contact Dr. Lorri at aroxacalm@gmail.com to establish a connection with one of these talented aRoXa CALM community members.

~¡NUEVO para 2021! Maestros de Reiki y Enfermeras Registradas que hablan español y mixteco que han estudiado aRoXa CALM Usui / Holy Fire®III con el Dra. Lorri están disponibles para brindar Reiki a Distancia, modalidades de curación Indígenas, terapias con plantas Oaxacañas, incluidas infusiones de aceite esenciales están listas para servir a una comunidad aún más grande. Póngase en contacto con el Dra. Lorri en aroxacalm@gmail.com para establecer una conexión con uno de estos talentosas Maestras de Reiki de la comunidad aRoXa CALM.~

Claudia Lózano, Silvia García Aguilar, (Dra. Lorri), Luisa León Salazár, and Doña Alberta Salazar Spanish and Mixtec speaking Usui/ Holy Fire® Reiki Master practitioners who have worked with Dr. Lorri for almost 4 years. The group has also studied w…

Claudia Lózano, Silvia García Aguilar, (Dra. Lorri), Luisa León Salazár, and Doña Alberta Salazar Spanish and Mixtec speaking Usui/ Holy Fire® Reiki Master practitioners who have worked with Dr. Lorri for almost 4 years. The group has also studied with Curanderas in the community. Areas of expertise include Distance Reiki, guided meditation, energy clearing, and traditional Indigenous healing modalities originating in Oaxaca, Mexico; oftentimes including medicinal plants.